Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Change and decisions

I don't know about you lot but the idea of change is scary business. For me, I find the prospect of being in unfamilar territory a little disconcerting....even if it means I have to put up with discomfort and difficulty, the thought of something new is somewhat frightening. As I said yesterday I placed my CV online at a recruitment site, as a searchable document...low and behold...I received a response this morning. Now I am confronted by the question of what do I want. Do I want to swap employers? Do I want to face the overwhelming nature of change? I am in a pretty fortunate position...I can afford to be choose the right job and to see what the market is offering. Considering there is a skills shortage at the moment, the market is ideal for me to move shop and ask for top dollar while I do it. The possibilties are there....but the question is still unclear...What do I want? I haven't a clue...I want to enjoy the experience of work...I don't want to feel it as a prison sentence , which it is comparable to at the moment. The first thing I need to do is create a formal CV...the one online is fairly basic. When that is done perhaps the options will be a little more open.

Until then I can only speculate...Alls I know is that there are Decisions...Decisions....Decisions to be made.


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