Wednesday, June 07, 2006

I'm bored!

I've resorted to the original blogger for ease of use. The Performancing tool for Firefox was a little experiment. Although I successfully published a post, it wasn't as user friendly as the blogging tool that is blogger. Essentially I was bored and wanted to play with something and it was recommeneded on the Mozilla site so I thought what the fuck, why not experiment, what do I have to lose? What would be the worst possible outcome? I'd stuff up windows again...I've become an expert at reinstalling it...So what!

Now I'm back in blogger and what do I really have to say? Nothing in particular. I'm still bored..and now with nothing to say. I downloaded some more porn for no particular reason...I'm bored.

It is getting late again and I'm still online...I ought to be in bed fast asleep. I've been punishing myself with sleep deprivation for no good reason other than the fact that I am bored! I shouldn't be bored..after all; it is only a state of mind..I could've found some constructive thing to do, however I wasted time. Time is only here to be wasted. I have no great work to do...I am Mister average Joe Blo...Perhaps an amatuer geek at best, even that is too specific for an average Joe like me, a wannabe amatuer geek seems to be more fitting, however even more specific. How about geek, period! Freak? Perhaps I have no label I can attach to myself. I am because I am. Do I need labels? Do I need to asoociate my state of being with some identifying mark? Is it necessary to find some innate word to procure meaning, to gain some insight into where I fit into the picture. I am here for no reason in particular, I am bored for no reason. Why insist on having a reason, a purpose or a goal or whatever? Right now I am typing words into a pixelated world, the information swirling around in the ether, for no apparent reason or logic. All it wants to do is exist, why it wants to exists is beyond the means of comprehension. I have to let it be and just ride the wave until the wave runs out of energy, perhaps then it will no longer exist, perhaps it will morph into something else. Such a metamorphosis may no longer require a language where labels are used to identify a meaning or purpose.


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