Wednesday, May 24, 2006

This will kill me

I am flirting with my old foe. There was a time when I could easily conquer this formidable opponent, however as the crisp air of winter's breath flows, I am almost defeated by this nemesis of mine. I am unable, anymore, to duel with my old friend, his eyes are drawing near and it will soon be time that my own are drawn into heavy swollen slits. Who this foe is, is perhaps yours as well. It is the one they call the SandMan. He is always lurking within the depths of nights dawn, stalking and hidden amongst the shadows of the undead. He is calling my name now and perhaps I ought to heed his call. I do not want to obey his soft whispers and beckoning. I would like to stay awake for awhile but I know that if I fullfill this desire I will pay for it with His vengeance. He always collects the debts owed him and I have at least a decade of repayments in arrears before the sins of disobedience of years past will be paid.

Thus it is, I must crawl into his haven now. I must befall his spell. It is time for bed.



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