Monday, April 03, 2006

Can't wait till 6 months is up

My internet connection is so much for 512/128k ADSL and veridas resellers. Perhaps I want something that is unattainable. I have an early termination fee of $99 if I change Internet Service Providers before six months of joining. When one pays for a advertised service one would expect to receive that service most of the time. I am getting for the most part 23KB/s to 32KB/s on downloads. If I could consistently get above 40 then I would be in a better position not to complain. I could probably complain to my ISP but will it serve any purpose? 6 months will be up next month and I'm gonna churn to another provider. Optus now has ADSL 2 and am considering trying them out since my land line is with them already. I probably won't get the advertised 20 megabit connection since I am a couple of kilometres away from the exchange, but the extra five dollars more a month than I already pay will surely amount to an increase in speed. It is the age of instant gratification and why shouldn't I join the band wagon. Besides I am used to receiving instant gratification and I don't see why I shouldn't apply this methodology to internet speed. I long for the day when technology exceeds humanity. Where a machine can out think my feeble mind. Where, in a nano second, I can get the file I want without the delay of synthetic neurons lumbering under hardened ateries of archaic copper.

What exciting times we live in, perhaps generation Xer's
will see nano technology implemented and grey goo oozing at the sides of manufacturing, science and medicine. Perhaps Man will create sentient beings from hardware collected from the far reaches of space, Mars Rover extracting the super conductors, which will begin phising the intellect of mere humanity. When we become obsolete, shall hardware replace our fragile biology? Perhaps future generations will free themselves of the corruption of this world as it flees to escape the toxic slime we create now, into the nether reaches of hubblean worlds, to mine and feast upon the riches extracted from dark matter and nebulous placenta. I will perhaps see this coming is not too far away.

I think our searching of outer space is not to seek answers that will serve mankind to understand the great meaning of it all but to indeed find a new home. Just as bacteria sends it's feelers out to search for new hosts to feed upon, so too does humanity reach out with it's feelers, to seek out new nourishment as it scavenges and depletes the finite resources of it's current host. We are created in the image of the greatest replicator....the virus. Can we not be compared to a parasite. Have a look around....are we not feeding off the back of Gaia? like an insect gnawing away at the tree of life? Perhaps my world view is too dark and cynical, but the environment is giving us it's retribution nonetheless...Some argue that it is God that is punishing the world for it's sin, with hurricanes, earthquakes and tsunami's. I think it is just nature redeeming herself from the selfish acts of people like myself and perhaps you? for degrading her name with our wanton acts of selfish abandon. We struggle to accept that we are not the keepers of Her garden but merely guests in Her vegetable patch, in much the same way as caterpillar is. However we seem unable transform into the butterfly, we only perpetuate as a fat slug, unsatisfied untill all that is left is the brown decay that we have excreted as payment for Her generosity.

Alas, when we do mutate into a creature with wings, will we fly off into the distance, only to find ourselves returning into our larvae state? to recommence our insatiable hunger? I hope we will learn the lessons being taught us in this present time, that lesson being that we need to re think instant gratification and try our hardest to maintain the vegetable patch we have been given. Perhaps we ought to slow down and find an adequate hibernation, so that we will then be able to metamorph into the colourful butterfly and truly loft above the vegetable patch, to see the outside garden with fresh eyes and perhaps gain the insight of a new world beyond.


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