Sunday, January 21, 2007


My voice has been silenced by a furious and maddening tinkering with machines, for far too long. I have my obsessions and I won't reproach you for pointing it out to me. On the outside they seem to dominate my existence but its not like I'm doing anyone a dis-service. Besides it's in my Genes and I can hardly be blamed for my disassociation with anything warm blooded.

I'm entering a new frontier along the path to freedom. I'm beginning to entertain the notion of choice and what it means to me to have freedom thrust upon me. What choices are present once a realisation that freedom is something real and perhaps tangible becomes actualised. A process of becoming. What powers can be harnessed to achieve ones deepest desires? A new year represents a renewal of philosphies and goals. Will this year bring forth a new vision?

The silence will perhaps be awakened with new possibilities. No doubt you'll become bored with my voice but I will speak my mind nevertheless.

Seek it! Reap it!


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