Wednesday, May 03, 2006


Quite often I feel separated from the rest of humanity. If I were to make some rational arguments in connection with this phenomenon it wouldn't be a convincing argument. In essence we are all connected to a larger organism, a social organism. However, at the same time we also are individual cells in this larger entity and to some extent we are separated because of this. Only when individual cells find themselves at odds with the wider community does this phenomenon of separatedness become apparent. I would like to think that I am not alone when I say we are alone. Not one of you can walk within my being, you may have crossed the same path as I, yet no two of us are exactly identical, so it seems fitting that separatedness would be a common notion. Yet wherever I look it is but the opposite. The majority of people work as a cohesive units, or at the very least, they are forced into such units because they desperately want to fit into such and such a tribe or social network. Very few people want to be seen as outside the "norm" and it could be that such fears are justified. If one walks alone then he or she is considered defective, that something must be fundementally wrong with this individual. Perhaps these "loners" are crucial to the survial of the larger organism, how is a differing perspective to be fathomed when everyone is thinking alike? One can perhaps conclude that separatedness is infact a normal function insofar as evolution requires this to apply change. So when you see someone that appears to be alone, consider that they may have something, which you fail to possess. It may be in your interest to find out what it is. Through quantum mechanics we all are connected so give yourself a break and talk to that loner and be prepared for thinking outside of the square, it could change the way you think and thus your life.


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