Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Blogged Out

I believe I'm blogged out and I hear some you thanking the sweet lord for this miracle. Now before you lot give praise to the almighty, I would like for you to keep this in mind, I am still gonna ramble even if I have nothing to say. However all is not lost, if you look in the right hand corner of your screen you may have noticed a little button that says "next blog", click that button and fuck off if you don't want to read my blogged out nothingness.

Now that I have done some house keeping, clearing the path from what we could describe as the less desirables or bloggophobes, I am free to discuss the important issues. Me! and how I relate to this mystery called life. Although I have a great affinity with nothingness I doubt others will appreciate a blog, which depicts this affinity with a mere visual analogies. I could essentially just have a black background with nothing else on it, to perhaps give some vague insight into the nothingness of my being and what this bloggisphere is about. However, here lies the problem, black is still something so it doesn't quite connect to what this blog is about, which is about nothing. I have decided to elucidate nothingness with text. Text which surely defines nothingness. As plainly as the eye can see, I have said absolutely nothing of importance or indeed value, all that appears are empty words streaming across a black background of empty pixelated space. Words seem truer to the statement "Nothing is true" which I've lifted from William S Burroughs who claims to be quoting from one Hassan I Sabbah..."Nothing is true. Everything is permitted". Who this Hassan dude is I have no idea. I suspect it is a fictional character created by Mr Burroughs, although I'd like to keep an open mind that such an "old man of the mountain" existed, however, when a brief online search informs me that he was the founder of hashishism, I am left with a little skepticism.

I digress from nothing. I am demeaning the importance of the immortal words "nothing is true". I have come across perfection in these three words. It is truely magical! A beautiful set of words, regardless of the add on "everything is permitted", which Dostoevsky debated over a hundred years ago without any great resolution in my opinion. Now back to nothing, imagine, if nothing is true then the statement can be said to be false because nothing is true, therefore one can conclude that nothing is indeed true because it is false. I can further conclude that this blog is true as it is about nothing.

Hopefully I have confused you because I am left confused myself.


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